Wednesday, 11 July 2007

And so it all begins. Again....

Just after lunch on a Wednesday. As good a time as any to start a blog, I suppose. I've been going to do this for a many things, really. And, like many things, it's taken me an age to get round to finally doing it.

The purpose is simple. To try to achieve some of the things I'm aiming for, by actually writing down goals, and having a space to come back to where they'll always be visible, and where I can give myself some continual reality checks on how I'm progressing towards them.

Why start today instead of any other day? Because in a couple of days time I'll be at one of those goal events, the Oxfam Trailwalk 2007. And because I've been inspired to get off my lazy arse and get something written down by looking at XFR Bear's blog.... what he puts down looks just about like what I'm trying to record.

So, here goes. I should be able to get these goals put up in a side pane once I've worked out how this whole blog thing works, but for now, here they are for the next couple of years.....

Trailwalk 2007. We're aiming for a 15 hour finish
Autumn 2007. A sub-3 Marathon. My current PB is 3:10......I'll be happy if I get close to 3:00 this year. Haven't picked an event yet, although Berlin might be a possibility.

Boston Marathon, April 2008. Now this is a big one.....I definitely want to post a time under 3 hours here...on a course which is not particularly noted for being fast. Serious winter training required.

The Bob Graham Round. If I thought a sub 3 marathon was a big ask..... the plan is to train on the fells as if I was going to attempt the BG in late summer of 2008. Then I'll see how that goes (and how well it fits in with the winter training I need to be doing for the Marathon) and decide whether I actually make an attempt. If nothing else, the training will do wonders for my confidence and hillcraft.

2009 - Ironman year. I'm pretty sure I'll only ever do one, so I'll pick somewhere sunny. An excuse to get back on the bike again. If only swimming didn't have to be involved......

Well...lets see how I get on, then.

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